Monday, February 25, 2008

Cares has to be taken after teeth whitening

Teeth whitening has become quite popular with the adults and business man and well known people as their can able to smile to their business associated and workers. All you have to do is to visit your dentist who will appointed a date for you. A bleaching methods is used for teeth whitening and is not recommended to all people mostly to children under the age of sixteen years old. Pregnant women and peoples with has sensitive teeth are also not recommended to this procedure.

Cares has to be taken if you had your teeth whitening as it is not a life long procedure. Smoking and drinking coffee and tea are the main cause towards yellow tooth. Taking curries meals are also one of the cause. When taking curries or color foods, or drinks coffee or tea wash your teeth after it meals. stop smoking and alcohol as both this item make your teeth yellow and besides gives bad breath.



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